Category: Dev

Site Update 4: Features to Implement

I am going to try to revive this site and also make it something I can use “professionally.” For that to happen there are quite a few things I still need to do.

Site Update 3: Things Are Bigger

There have actually been very few changes to the site layout since the last post, which is a problem. However, I wanted to briefly put into writing the things floating though my head over the past month or so regarding what should happen to the site.

Site Update 2: Significant Formatting Changes

After finishing the general architecture of the site and automating post generation via Jekyll, I turned to styling the site. Previously I had left this task to front-end frameworks like Foundation, but for the new site all of the CSS will be written by me (with the exception of the reset and basic styling provided by normalize.css). I approached it in a way that does not seem very logical when looking back on it.

Site Update 1: New Site, Vision, and Deliverables

This is the fourth iteration of my site (yes, the current version in the header does not reflect that). The driving force behind this rewrite is a desire to create something from the base up, without using some framework to eliminate the heavy lifting. Previous iterations of the site have used Foundation, themes, or have been based very heavily on other people’s sites. This time I would like to make something that reflects my own vision (without compromises made due to the framework I am using) and that is representative of my ability (whatever that may be).