Category: Travel

Tips for a Trip to Gero from Takayama

When I visited Takayama, I noticed how unclear the literature surrounding going to Gero to bathe in the hot spring baths there was. In this post, I will very briefly explain how to optimally do a day trip from Takayama to Gero, taking advantage of the “Yumeijin Yumeguri Pass.”

Report: Week 6 at LLNL

For this summer, I came out to Livermore, California to work at Lawrence Livermore National Lab with Dr. Soltz on heavy-ion data and specifically improved detection of jets and jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions. I have just begun my seventh week, which means I have passed the halfway point for the internship. So it seems that now is as good a time as ever to review what I’m working on and what my thoughts at this stage are.

My Vacation Out West

From May 5th to May 27th, I went on a vacation with my parents and my brother that started in the Bay Area and moved all the way to the canyon areas in Arizona and Utah and ended in Las Vegas. Here are brief descriptions of the things we did and what I thought about them.